Aiming for Setting Strategy (HPL 3) – Online- 14-16/09/20

To fully participate in this workshop, delegates must have completed HPL 0: ‘A Teamworking Skills Foundation’ which will preceed this workshop on 8th June 2020. Objective All organisations (including businesses) inevitably change. Successful organisations initiate and manage the change process for the benefit of all their stakeholders. This requires an intimate understanding of the aims of all stakeholders…

A Teamworking Skills Foundation (HPL 0) – Den Haag

This one-day workshop introduces the basic skills that are the foundation of the EIIL high-performance teamworking and leadership programme. While this workshop is a worthwhile stand-alone experience, it is designed to provide an introduction to HPL1, HPL3, HPL4, HPL5 and HPL6 and will be run the day before each of these workshops to offer participants…

Knowledge Management & the Learning Company (LLT 7) – 18-19/05/20 Video-Conference

Objective Whether to enable innovation in new products, share good practices in efficient operations, maintain best corporate safety standards in globally diverse locations, or simply to provide the transparency demanded by today’s external stakeholders, it is becoming ever more important for the company to effectively manage its knowledge assets. This EIIL Masterclass ™ workshop will explore how…

Effective Communication (LPG 40) – Online- 23-24/06/20

Objective One of the principle capabilities of the future industrial leader will be his or her ability to communicate effectively. Introducing the ‘Communications Equation’ and a typical stakeholder map, this EIIL Masterclass ™ workshop explains the planning and development of a communications strategy and the targeting of key messages to each of the stakeholder groups. Key Benefits By…