EIIL masterclass workshops practice working in uncertainty; building networks and using them to help us appreciate other parts of our business, and to ask insightful questions; using team-working skills to effectively direct and plan our resources to deliver a collaborative piece of work – with an agreed purpose, to an agreed performance standard, both of which might have changed in the light of new information since we started.
The EIIL Masterclass methodology combines and complements on-the-job experience and classroom-based executive development programmes.
- International and conducted in English, each workshop focuses on one leadership theme
- Assignment of a high-level task
- Introduction to align existing team experience and provide a common language
- 4 observed interviews with selected experts from the EIIL Network
- Facilitated interview reviews with ‘lecturettes’ to clarify key content concepts, and to develop interviewing skills and process techniques
- Summary of learning captured in a team-generated output
Designed to coach self-learning, application of team-working skills & efficient use of networks to High Potentials in a safe environment.
HPL0 – Team Working Skills Foundation
HPL1 – Effective Team Working
HPL4 – Motivation & Commitment
HPL3 – Aiming for Setting Strategy
HPL6 – Leading Teams to Higher Performance
LPG3 – Continuous Improvement
LPG40 – Communicating for Change
LPG60 – Understanding Influencing
LPG2 – Business Plans & Proposals
LPG4 – Industrial Marketing
LPG7 – Leading Innovation
LPG5 – Partnering for Growth
LLT6 – Designing the Sustainable Organisation
LLT7 – Knowledge Management
MCE4 – Multicultural Negotiating
MCE5 – Leading Multicultural Teams
IND-EX - EIIL'S Young Leaders Programme
Ind-Ex is a two-day online interactive workshop, aimed at graduating students and young professionals, helping them understand and develop leadership skills, and grow their European networks.
During the workshop participants interview four successful industry leaders to understand what skills they found essential during their careers and how they developed those skills.
Entry lever young professionals will learn how to communicate with their senior managers and leaders; graduating students will know potential career paths in the industry.
Ind-Ex is part of the Future Leaders Dialogue initiative – to help industrial companies and student organisations to get to know one another in activities where young recruits in entry-level or next-level jobs, and students considering a career in industry, work side by side to achieve something of value together over a period of time.
2 – day workshops
Structured Interview-based learning from successful industry leaders and EIIL Alumni.
Interviewing and listening skills; creative problem-solving; effective networking; internal marketing and promotion; effective team-working, effective resource management, inter-generational working & networking; mentoring and reverse mentoring.
An EIIL Masterclass-based programme for more senior professionals and those who are looking to develop skills to help them share their (30+ years of) experience more effectively.
Experienced professionals have both know-how, and know-who, to share, but technological, societal, and other workplace changes, mean new skills are needed to do this effectively
The future of work is changing. On-line platforms have made work sharing easier across the company and increasingly with external partners, companies and micro-businesses. Workplace colleagues may be from four generations
Specific skills are needed in knowledge transfer, interviewing and listening, inter-generational working, consulting & networking.
You have exceptional performers throughout your company ? You need more of your people to perform like the best ? Have you really tapped-in to your ‘next generation’s’ willingness to learn?
Workshops from the EIIL programme can be delivered in-company using your own experts. Bespoke workshops can be designed to address the particular needs of your company or organisation.
Following the the EIIL Masterclass methodology they will equip learners with both knowledge of the workshop theme, and the skills to continue learning back at work.
Contact us to find out how EIIL’s Masterclass methodology has helped our members make their in-company programmes more effective, efficient and memorable.