To fully participate in this workshop, delegates must have completed HPL 0: ‘A Teamworking Skills Foundation’ which will preceed this workshop on 16th November 2020.
This two-day workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to explore the characteristics of a high performance team and how to observe and evaluate their own team against these characteristics. Then the participants are in a position to take action to improve the performance of the team.
They will also practice adopting various styles of leadership and learn which are suited to different situations. The workshop will also develop some of the themes of other HPL workshops, so while this workshop does ‘stand alone’ it is also of benefit to those who have attended other HPL workshops.
Key Benefits
This two day workshop will equip participants with understanding of the causes of effective leadership, and will help them develop the skill to apply this knowledge to lead teams effectively in order to enhance business performance.
Whether in possession of line management responsibility, or assuming a leadership role in a matrix organisation or less formal structure, participants will be able to immediately apply the skills developed to ensure that the teams they lead perform to their potential.
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is designed to meet the needs of engineers and technologists with seven to twelve years of post-graduate industrial experience and some early supervisory experience, including those in project management roles. The workshop will also benefit managers from other disciplines who need to lead multicultural teams of people in either general or functional management positions, particularly those contemplating significant business change programmes in the near future.
The workshop will be conducted in English.