~ Findings released from EIIL’s Industry 4.0 report ~

What industry needs is more young entrepreneurs. This is one conclusion of the EIIL’s working group report on the developments of Industry 4.0 in the chemical industry, and the impact of these on talent acquisition and development.

Conducted through a series of four workshops involving over seventy industry experts from amongst its membership, the EIIL survey identified a number of leadership issues. One of these was that digitalisation in the chemical industry will be accompanied by more supply chain fragmentation as companies become leaner, outsource more of their commodity competencies and enter into new business partnerships to deliver new digitally-enabled services.

Together with increasing connectivity and proficiency in distributed working, this will lead to more frequent organisational change. Uncertainty for all, excitement and constant challenge for those who are prepared.

The report also concluded that future leaders of such a workplace will more than ever before need the ability to communicate effectively. They’ll need to a variety of changing social media channels to align the aims of the multiple stakeholders, and multiple generations, in their workplace.

They will also need to have developed skills to identify innovations, build support and resource and motivate change teams of mixed internal and external resources – all in an increasingly uncertain environment.

In short, they will need what are essentially entrepreneurial skills.

Since 2011 in twelve events in seven locations around Europe, the EIIL has helped more than 450 young leaders to develop some of these skills.

Working alongside students and other young professionals, EIIL members’ youngest recruits have identified from successful entrepreneurs the skills which have contributed to their success. And they’ve learned how to develop them. The EIIL report makes it clear that these skills are essential for the career of all young leaders in an Industry 4.0 world.

This year’s Ent-Ex programme will see events in London, Barcelona and Cologne with the first event at the Technical High School of The Hague from the 2nd – 4th of May.

Further details can be found on facebook www.facebook.com/EntrepreneurshipExperience/posts/1461572563915332
or at http://ent-ex.eu/